Powers are supernatural ways of doing something almost everyone in the show almost everyone had powers.


 Telekinesis- The ability to move objects with ones mind. Prue used this power for moving any object she desired, including people and demons, and their attacks, such as energy balls and fireballs, but this power isn't the most reliable when it comes to deflecting powers. She first used her power with her eyes, she later controlled it my her eyes and the motion of her hands. Penny Halliwell, the girl's grandmother, also had this power.

Astral Projection- Astral Projection is a power almost like orbing, shimmering and blinking. Except your subconious leaves your physical body and goes to wherever you desire. Prue first got this power in Ms. Hellfire. She left her body 3 times, unwillingly. She later controlled it, at first she could only pick up objects and use physical force, such as kicking and punching her enemy. Again, she developed to control this power and used Telekinesis in her astral form.

Molecular Immobilization- This is the power that come in handy most, out of the Charmed Ones. This power, Molecular Immobilization, is also known as freezing. This power allows its owner to slow the molecules of an object to the point of stopping. Patty, the girls mother, also had this power.

Molecular Combustion- This power is Piper's second power and probably the most useful power. She got this power in towards the end of Season 3. This power does the exact opposite of her first power. Instead of slowing the molecules of an object down, with Molecular Combustion, she speeds up the molecules of a desired object to the point of explosion. This power is also controlled by movements of the hand.

Premonitions- Premonitions were one of the rarest powers among the Warren line. The most common powers were Molecular Immobilization & Telekinesis. Premonating is not an active power. The owner of this power (Phoebe & Melinda Warren) needed to touch an object, which had to do with an event of importance. An event such as a demon attack, a tragedy or something like that. In "The Witch is Back" Episode 1-8, Phoebe's power grew by giving her a vision of the past.

Levitation- Levitation is the most useful power when using it martial arts. By levitating and kicking her attacker, Phoebe can defend herself quite well. She first got this power in the season finale of Season 2 "Be Careful What You Witch For". It was stolen by a genie from a dragon warlock, only it was the ability of flying high in the air, not only few feet off the ground.

Telekinetic Orbing- According to the prophecy Melinda Warren stated in the 17th century, the 3 powers she had, which were Telekinesis, Molecular Immobilization & Premonitions, would be given to 3 sisters of Warren line. With Prue gone she must have her power of Telekinesis, only its different. Instead of moving an object, the whitelighter half of her makes the object orb from place to place when she cries its name.

Orbing- Paige's second power is orbing. This power is an inactive power, somewhat like Phoebe's premonitions. This power is triggered by fear. In the picture to the right, Paige is orbing out of the way of an energy ball. Unlike her three sisters, Paige has always had the ability to orb, that is the way she escaped the car accident her and her parents were in, when they died.

-*The Power of Three*-
The Power of Three is the most powerful power of good, the world has ever known. By working together and by the loving each other, the sisters envoke The Power of Three. This magic is so powerful, it allows them the ability to kill The Source, which they did in "Charmed & Dangerous."

Deflection- Deflection is a witch's best shield against the forces of darkness, unless the forces of the darkness already have it, in which case it is a great shield against witches. When developed, like all powers, the owner of Deflection can send the attack back to his or her attacker. This power was stolen by a warlock named Eames in "Blinded by the Whitelighter," Episode 3-11.

Pyrokinesis- Pyrokinesis seems to be a popular power among evil beings. Pyrokinesis is the ability to control heat and fire. And sending fireballs, heat waves and making flame-thrower like actions to ones enemy. This power is dangerous and deadly. witches, demons and warlocks own it alike.

Healing- Healing is the power that all whitelighters have, along with orbing. Whitelighters are pacifists, which means they don't fight. Paige has this power, due to the fact she's half whitelighter but can't control it without Leo's help. This power works by a whitelighter putting his or her hands over the victims wound and heal them. The trigger of this power is Love.

Orbing- Orbing is a way of teleportation from place to place, whitelighters have this power, and only whitelighters. But again, Paige has this power due to her whitelighter half. Orbing is the slowest way of transportation. Blinking is the fastest way of teleportation, blinking is going from one place to the other in the blink of an eye. Warlocks only own blinking. Shimmering is owned by demons, and is faster than orbing and slower than blinking. While using any of these powers you can take people and things along for the ride, like the way Leo is orbing Piper and Paige.

Aquakinesis-Aquakinesis is the ability to control ice. She blows on her right hand a blue cloud would travel to the object she tried to freeze and would surround it with ice. And Piper also had this power when the Charmed One's turned evil. She froze a wedding planner and Leo into ice. And in that episode, Phoebe smashed Leo.
Conjuration-Conjuration is the power to create an object in ones hand. In the episode "Is There a Woogy In The House?" Phoebe gets possessed by a Woogy and recruits people to get possessed as well

Glamouring- Glamouring is the power to turn oneself into any person they desire. In this picture, a powerful warlock named Anton is glamouring into another person. He uses this power by waving his hand over his face and he would change into the person he wants to look like.

Cloning- Cloning is the power to create a copy of ones self with all usable powers, but the clone lasts for short periods of times.

Shapeshifting/Transmogrification- This power is the ability to morph into anything, whether it be an animal, or an inanimate object. It's somewhat like glamouring, but glamouring only allows you to change into other human beings. But, there are also warlocks who shapeshift, but they don’t blink, their means of transportation is turning into a bird, or an animal with flight.

Energy Balls- Energy Balls are the most common lethal power among demons. In the show many, many people have been attacked by demons by energy balls or fireballs. This is Inspector Rodriguez, a demon sent to kill the Charmed Ones. An Energy Ball also killed Prue by a different demon, and Piper had a near death experience. And Andy (Prue's true love) was killed buy an energy ball from this demon. And Paige was attacked by the same demon that killed Prue, but she orbed out of the way. For upper-level demons when thrown at their victims, they catch fire and don’t leave a body, only scorch marks and maybe ashes.


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